Picnic Land Sets US Record for Longest Picnic Blanket


Last Saturday was an excellent day for the Waterfront Parks Foundation (WPF)! The weather was perfect, and the crowd was in a great mood at our inaugural Picnic Land event, as St. Petersburg friends and families joined in creating a new record for the Longest Picnic Blanket in the U.S. on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at Flora Wylie Park.

“Our original lofty goal was to break the World Record for the Longest Picnic Blanket. While we missed that goal, we set the new U.S. record instead!” exclaimed WPF President Logan DeVicente. Nearly 2,000 picnic lovers filled the winding, continuous rows of colorful picnic blankets for almost the entire length of Flora Wylie Park.”

“Picnic Land is a co-sponsored City event,” added Mr. DeVicente. “Guests enjoyed great weather and the terrific waterfront park setting that provided family-friendly games and children’s activities, food trucks, live music, professional storytellers, a magician, and an early visit by Santa.”

Over 400 Blankets!

“Picnic Land is a wonderful reminder that our waterfront parks are meant to bring people together to relax and enjoy this magnificent asset that makes St. Petersburg so special,” remarked Gina Driscoll, St. Petersburg City Council Member, District 6. “We are fortunate to have the Waterfront Parks Foundation as a partner working tirelessly to protect, beautify, and celebrate our parks.” 

“It was amazing to see the 416 registered blankets filled with families and friends stretch over three-quarters of a mile for 4,160 feet of fun,” added Mr. DeVicente. “Every registration included a large souvenir blanket for family enjoyment year-round.”  

Although the record-breaking attempt adds a fun element, Picnic Land is about more than breaking records. It’s the perfect community builder, where each year, we can invite all the residents of St. Petersburg to gather and appreciate our access to the many features of our 12 continuous downtown waterfront parks.  

Donation Matching

Another crucial aspect of the event is to encourage financial support for the works of the WPF. This year, we have a uniquely significant opportunity to double our financial support: thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Majeed Foundation, we have been offered the Majeed Match: all donations made will be matched dollar-for-dollar until donations reach $1 million! WPF aims to use these gifts to create an endowment to fund future parkland beautification projects. Please consider becoming part of this legacy–visit Majeed Match to support the WPF mission.

WPF Mission

For over a decade, the Waterfront Parks Foundation has worked to preserve, protect, and promote St. Petersburg’s award-winning waterfront parks system in partnership with our City’s Parks and Recreation Department. Our Foundation, together with the unwavering support of the Majeed Foundation, continues to beautify the parks with rotating flower beds, add new “dark sky” lighting, hold numerous park clean-ups, and develop and install multiple park swings and benches for the enjoyment of all. If you joined us at Picnic Land 2023, we thank you for your participation, and we welcome your attendance next year, as well as your financial support, your volunteer assistance, and your feedback throughout the year, all of which are vital to preserving our magnificent waterfront parks.

News and Press

Fundraising Event

Picnic Land is a public fund-raising event of the Waterfront Parks Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization co-sponsored by the City of St. Petersburg. Proceeds support our mission to Preserve, Protect, and Promote our Beautiful and Historic St. Petersburg Waterfront Parks. Please consider attending this event, promoting it on your social media accounts, and becoming a sponsor.

Sponsors Wanted 

Contact waterfrontparksfoundation@gmail.com to Become a Sponsor or Request a Media packet.

Support Waterfront Parks Foundation

Can’t make this event but still want to help the Waterfront Parks Foundation? Please consider making a donation.
